Case: The Delivery Dilemma

Case Study: The Delivery Dilemma – Challenges with Supplier Performance

Company Description

Fictive Company “TechPro Solutions” is a fast-growing technology company that specializes in providing cutting-edge hardware and software solutions to various industries. Their product range includes advanced computer systems, networking equipment, and customized software applications tailored to their clients’ needs. TechPro Solutions is committed to delivering innovative and reliable products to maintain their competitive edge in the market.

Product Description

One of TechPro Solutions’ flagship products is the “SwiftNet Series” – a high-performance networking solution designed to optimize data transmission and enhance connectivity in large-scale corporate networks. The SwiftNet Series is highly sought after by IT departments of multinational corporations for its exceptional speed, security features, and scalability.

Supplier Description

TechPro Solutions sources a critical component, the “HighSpeed Circuit Board,” from a trusted supplier named “ElectroTech Industries.” ElectroTech Industries is a well-established electronics manufacturer known for its high-quality components. They have been the primary supplier of HighSpeed Circuit Boards to TechPro Solutions for several years.

Delivery Problems

Over the last few months, TechPro Solutions has been facing recurring delivery issues from ElectroTech Industries. The delivery performance of HighSpeed Circuit Boards has been inconsistent, with multiple instances of delayed shipments. These delays have impacted TechPro Solutions’ production schedule, leading to missed delivery deadlines to their customers. The delays have also affected the company’s reputation, as customers are becoming increasingly frustrated with the unreliable delivery times.

ElectroTech Industries has cited various reasons for the delivery problems, including supply chain disruptions, production line issues, and unexpected demand fluctuations. However, TechPro Solutions is concerned that the frequency and severity of the delays are increasing, and the supplier’s explanations seem insufficient to address the ongoing problem.

Open-Ended Questions for Group Discussion

  • How do you think the recurring delivery problems from ElectroTech Industries are affecting TechPro Solutions’ business and its customers? Discuss potential consequences for the company’s reputation and market position.
  • As a buyer, what steps would you take to investigate the root causes of the delivery problems? How would you approach the supplier to obtain more information and potential solutions?
  • What actions could TechPro Solutions take to mitigate the impact of delayed deliveries on their production schedule and customer commitments while addressing the issue with ElectroTech Industries?
  • How would you evaluate ElectroTech Industries as a long-term supplier for TechPro Solutions? What criteria would you use to assess their performance and reliability?
  • In a situation where a trusted supplier is facing delivery challenges, how can the buyer and supplier collaborate to find sustainable solutions that benefit both parties?
  • As a buyer, how would you communicate the ongoing delivery problems with ElectroTech Industries to the leadership team at TechPro Solutions? What recommendations would you provide to address the issue effectively?
  • How can TechPro Solutions proactively manage supplier performance to prevent future delivery problems and build more resilience into their supply chain?

Case The Delivery Dilemma Learning Targets

The case of TechPro Solutions and ElectroTech Industries presents a complex scenario where a buyer must navigate the challenges posed by a critical supplier’s delivery performance. By engaging in a group discussion and answering the open-ended questions, the participants can explore various strategies and solutions to address the issue effectively. This exercise will not only enhance their problem-solving skills but also provide valuable insights into the importance of supplier management and proactive measures to ensure a smooth and reliable supply chain.

To support the Case Study: The Delivery Dilemma, learn more in following courses

How to measure delivery performance

Measuring the KPI Delivery performance help the parties (buyer and supplier) to track and improve performance. Poor delivery performance is a joint problem in between the buying and selling party and, if not handled correctly, can end a relationship.

Supplier Development by EFFSO

The course will give you an introduction to the concept of supplier development and how to build a supplier development program.

Note: Illustration to the case “The Delivery Dilemma” is created by Chat-GPT on July 22, 2023.

Information about our Online Procurement courses in Swedish.

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