Benefits of Micro learning at Learn How to Source.

The Benefits of Micro learning at Learn How to Source (LHTS). Deliver value to the employees and company with small portions of new knowledge.

What are the Benefits of Micro learning?

As the modern workplace continues to evolve, so do the methods for employee training and development. One such method that has gained popularity in recent years is micro learning. Micro learning is a technique that involves delivering information in small, bite-sized pieces that can be consumed quickly and easily. In this blogpost, we’ll explore the benefits of micro learning and how it can improve employee performance and productivity in today’s procurement departments.

Flexibility and Convenience

Micro learning provides employees with flexibility and convenience in their training. Instead of taking hours out of their busy schedule for a lengthy training session, employees can complete short, targeted training courses at LHTS at their convenience. This approach to learning allows employees to fit training into their busy work schedules, which can improve their engagement and retention of the material.

Higher Retention Rates

Micro learning’s bite-sized approach to learning has been shown to increase retention rates. Traditional training methods can be overwhelming, leading to employees forgetting much of what they’ve learned soon after the training session is over. Micro learning allows employees to focus on one concept or skill at a time, allowing them to retain information more effectively. Additionally, the short duration of each training module makes it easier for employees to revisit the material if needed.


Micro learning is a cost-effective way to train employees. Traditional training methods can be expensive, requiring resources such as trainers, materials, and facilities. With micro learning, training modules can be created and delivered online, reducing costs and allowing employees to complete training without the need for travel or in-person instruction.

Adapted to hybrid model of working

In a company which embraces a hybrid model of working from both the office and home, it is crucial to adopt training solutions that are flexible, efficient, and effective. Learn How to Source’s micro learning concept aligns perfectly with these needs for several compelling reasons.

Firstly, micro learning breaks down complex procurement topics into bite-sized, easily digestible lessons. This approach is ideal for our employees, who often juggle various tasks and responsibilities. It enables learning in short bursts, fitting seamlessly into their busy schedules whether they’re in the office or working remotely. This flexibility ensures continuous learning without overwhelming our staff.

Secondly, the micro learning format caters to different learning styles and preferences, enhancing retention and application of knowledge. Given the diverse backgrounds and roles within our procurement team, this personalized learning approach ensures that all employees can benefit from the training, regardless of their preferred learning style or their current level of expertise.

Additionally, the digital nature of Learn How to Source’s micro learning platform allows for easy access to learning materials from anywhere, at any time. This is particularly beneficial for our hybrid workforce, enabling consistent training opportunities regardless of location. The platform’s tracking and reporting features also allow management to monitor progress and engagement, ensuring that learning objectives are met.

Collecting benefits of Micro learning by using LHTS

Micro learning enables personalized learning, allowing employees to focus on the skills and information they need to improve. Employers can create training modules that are tailored to the specific needs of each employee, ensuring that they are receiving the information that is most relevant to their job. This approach to learning can help employees feel more engaged and invested in their own development.

At LHTS Next step a range of short online courses are available to personalize learning

LHTS provide a Basic level 10-week Certification program but can also adapt courses to specific needs in procurement organizations

Enhance benefits of micro learning with blended learning

Continuous learning and adaptation are not just beneficial but necessary for maintaining competitiveness and innovation. Learn How to Source offers a comprehensive learning ecosystem through its online courses and informative blog posts, providing a rich source of knowledge and insights into procurement best practices, emerging trends, and essential skills. However, the true potential of these resources is fully unlocked when combined with structured time for reflection and discussion. This blended approach is crucial for several reasons.

Deepening Understanding

Reflection allows individuals to process the information learned, integrate it with their existing knowledge, and apply it to their unique contexts. By setting aside dedicated time for reflection, learners can identify gaps in their understanding, question assumptions, and develop a deeper comprehension of the material. This introspective process turns theoretical knowledge into practical wisdom.

Enhancing Application

Discussion, whether led by mentors from Learn How to Source or managed within the procurement organization, provides a platform for sharing experiences, challenges, and best practices. It facilitates the exchange of ideas, sparking creativity and innovation. Through discussion, learners can explore various applications of the concepts learned, benefit from the collective wisdom of the group, and gain new perspectives on overcoming procurement challenges.

Building a Learning Community

Creating time and space for reflection and discussion fosters a sense of community among learners. It encourages collaboration and support, building a network of professionals who are committed to mutual growth and success. This community aspect is invaluable, as it not only enhances the learning experience but also contributes to a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.

Accountability and Motivation

Participating in discussions and reflection sessions adds a layer of accountability to the learning process. Learners are more likely to engage with the material and complete courses when they know they will share their insights and applications with peers. This accountability can significantly boost motivation and commitment to learning.

Tailored Learning Experiences

Every procurement organization faces unique challenges and operates in a distinct context. By incorporating reflection and discussion into the learning process, organizations can tailor the generic content provided by Learn How to Source to their specific needs. This customization ensures that the learning is relevant, actionable, and directly aligned with organizational goals.

Implementing the Blended Approach

To effectively integrate online courses and blog posts from Learn How to Source with reflection and discussion, organizations should:

  • Schedule regular reflection and discussion sessions following course completion or blog post readings.
  • Encourage mentorship, either by leveraging mentors from Learn How to Source or appointing internal experts to guide discussions.
  • Create a supportive environment that values open communication, where every participant feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and questions.
  • Utilize digital platforms to facilitate discussions among remote team members, ensuring inclusivity in the hybrid work model.

Summary – Benefits of Micro learning

In conclusion, microlearning is a highly effective training method that provides flexibility, convenience, higher retention rates, personalized learning, cost-effectiveness, and improved employee performance. As the modern workplace continues to evolve, employers should consider incorporating microlearning into their employee training and development programs. By doing so, they can help their employees develop new skills, improve job performance, and stay engaged and invested in their own development.

The combination of Learn How to Source’s online courses and informative blog posts with dedicated time for reflection and discussion forms a powerful learning strategy. This approach not only enhances knowledge acquisition but also fosters a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation within the procurement organization.

Learn more in LHTS free course about Micro learning

Note, Illustration to “Benefits of Micro learning” created by CHAT-GPT on Feb 7, 2024.

At Utbildning Inköp you learn more about LHTS courses in Swedish.

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