Podcast: Integrate Procurement Learning

PODCAST Real Life Buyer April 2022

In March 2021 Fredrik Axelsson celebrated 25 years as a Procurement professional. During his career he has held roles as an Operational Buyer, Category Manager and Procurement Director in organizations including Ericsson, Saab and Alstom/GE. Today Fredrik provide Procurement learning via a training program for buyers which successfully certifies them in the purchasing / procurement / supply chain discipline, details of which may be discovered at learnhowtosource.com or in the free Introduction course.

Fredrik and Dave are discussing how to integrate procurement learning into ones day to day work in order that buyers may grow and flourish in their careers.

To Real Life Buyer Podcasts.

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Course about Micro learning

What is the most effective way to continuously build your procurement skills?

It is by constantly updating yourself and gaining new knowledge on the subject of procurement. In this free course you will learn how to integrate learning into your daily activities, on your own or together with your friends and colleagues. The method will help you gain a better understanding of learning procurement at LHTS and an effective way to improve your skills. 

Have you ever heard of or participated in a book circle?  You read a book and meet with others (who also read the book) and discuss the content of the chosen book. The discussion provides an enhanced learning experience when you can share your thoughts and listen to others. 

But what if you replaced the book with an online procurement course? You discuss the subject of the course and share your thoughts as well as your own experience. We call it Micro Learning.

This free course introduce how you can apply the Micro Learning method on the procurement area while using the content from LHTS.

After the course you will hopefully have gained new knowledge and an understanding how to develop procurement skills in an efficient way. 

LHTS short online courses are perfect for those who do not have the time to participate in courses  outside office or in lengthy online courses  It is convenient to watch a course whenever you can. In addition, you can always go back to the same course again, whenever you have free time.

Access the course for free and Learn about the Micro Learning method.

Find your way to procurement excellence via integrated continuous procurement learning.

Why Micro learning? by Fredrik Axelsson

In my role as a procurement professional and educator, I’ve observed the transformative impact of integrating micro learning into the fabric of company culture, especially within procurement departments. Micro learning, with its focus on delivering short, focused segments of content, aligns perfectly with the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of procurement via integrated continuous procurement learning.

Adapting to the Procurement Landscape

The field of procurement is characterized by rapid changes in market conditions, technology, and best practices. Micro learning allows procurement professionals to stay abreast of these changes without being overwhelmed. Bite-sized learning modules can be quickly updated and distributed, ensuring that the knowledge imparted is current and relevant.

Enhancing Learning Retention and Application

One of the primary advantages of micro learning is its impact on knowledge retention. Short learning modules are more easily digestible and memorable. For procurement professionals, this means being able to apply new concepts and strategies directly to their work with greater ease and efficiency.

Flexibility and Accessibility

Micro learning offers unparalleled flexibility, catering to the varied schedules of busy procurement professionals. These bite-sized learning modules can be accessed on-demand, allowing learners to engage with the material at their own pace and on their terms. This flexibility is crucial in a department where time is often a scarce resource.

Building a Culture of Continuous Learning

Incorporating micro learning into a company’s culture fosters an environment of continuous learning and development. In procurement departments, this culture encourages professionals to consistently enhance their skills and knowledge, leading to overall departmental growth and improved performance.

Personalized Learning Pathways

Micro learning allows for the creation of personalized learning pathways. In procurement, where roles can vary widely, each professional can focus on developing skills relevant to their specific function or area of interest. This tailored approach to professional development is both efficient and effective.

Integrating with Formal Training and Career Development

Micro learning can complement more formal training programs. In a procurement setting, it can serve as a preparatory or supplementary tool, reinforcing key concepts and strategies. For career development, micro learning modules can be strategically designed to build upon each other, helping professionals progress in their careers.

Encouraging Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Finally, micro learning can encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing within procurement teams. Learning modules can be designed to facilitate discussion and exchange of ideas, helping to build a more cohesive and collaborative team environment enabling everyday procurement learning.

Access to knowledge in a “Micro learning format”

Learn How to Source serves as an essential resource in this context. By offering a wide array of courses and blog posts tailored to the needs of procurement professionals, it provides a rich knowledge pool that covers fundamental concepts and process within procurement. Here’s why this is crucial for success in procurement:

  • Immediate Application: Micro-learning through courses and blog posts allows for the immediate application of new insights and strategies. This real-time application of knowledge not only enhances learning outcomes but also drives immediate improvements in procurement processes and outcomes.
  • Building a Community of Learners: Engaging with a platform like “Learn How to Source” connects procurement professionals with a broader community of learners and experts. This community aspect facilitates knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration, further enriching the learning experience.

In conclusion, the integration of micro learning into the competence development framework of a procurement department can be immensely powerful and empower integrated continuous procurement learning. It aligns with the need for ongoing, flexible, and targeted professional development, fostering a culture of continuous learning that is essential for keeping pace with the dynamic nature of procurement. As procurement professionals, embracing micro learning is a step towards building a more knowledgeable, adaptable, and efficient team.

Micro learning, introduced by Carla, AI generated avatar at LHTS.

About Learn How to Source

Learn How to Source (LHTS) is an online platform based in Sweden, offering a range of procurement courses accessible globally. It serves as a community where procurement experts share their knowledge through online courses, designed for various experience levels from introductory to expert. Courses are concise, about 30 minutes each, and cover different aspects of procurement, tailored for different buyer roles. The courses focus on practical knowledge, presented by seasoned professionals, and include quizzes and certificates. They can be accessed from any device, emphasizing micro learning for flexibility and efficiency and deliver the potential of integrated continuous procurement learning.

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