NL17: The Nordic General Conditions for the Supply of Goods

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Background and Purpose NL17

NL17 (Nordiska Leveransvillkor 2017) is owned and published by the key industry associations in the Nordic countries. These associations represent the interests of their respective national industries and collaborate to create standardized conditions for commercial transactions. The primary organizations involved in the development and publication of NL17 include:

  1. Teknikföretagen (Association of Swedish Engineering Industries) – Sweden
  2. Dansk Industri (Confederation of Danish Industry) – Denmark
  3. Norsk Industri (Federation of Norwegian Industries) – Norway
  4. Teknologiateollisuus (Technology Industries of Finland) – Finland

Purpose and Collaboration

The purpose of these organizations collaborating to develop and publish NL17 is to provide a unified and standardized set of terms that facilitate fair and efficient trade within the Nordic region. By harmonizing the conditions under which goods are supplied, these associations aim to reduce the complexity and potential for disputes in commercial transactions.

Key Functions of the Associations:

  1. Representation:
    • Representing the interests of their national industries in negotiations and policymaking at both national and international levels.
  2. Standardization:
    • Developing and maintaining standardized terms and conditions, such as NL17, to ensure consistency and fairness in commercial transactions.
  3. Support and Guidance:
    • Providing support and guidance to member companies on the application and interpretation of NL17 and other standard terms.
  4. Advocacy:
    • Advocating for policies and regulations that support the growth and competitiveness of their industries.

The primary purpose of NL17 is to provide a balanced set of terms that address various aspects of the supply and delivery of goods, including responsibilities, liabilities, and dispute resolution mechanisms. By having a common set of conditions, businesses can reduce the complexity and negotiation time required for each individual contract, fostering smoother and more predictable trade relationships within the region.

Pros and Cons of Using NL17 from the Buyer’s Perspective

General Pros:

  1. Clarity and Predictability: NL17 provides a clear and predictable framework for contractual relationships, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.
  2. Reduced Negotiation Time: Using standardized terms can significantly reduce the time and effort required to negotiate individual contracts, allowing businesses to focus on other important aspects of their operations.
  3. Fair Balance of Responsibilities: The conditions are designed to be balanced, ensuring that neither party is unfairly disadvantaged. This can lead to more equitable and cooperative business relationships.
  4. Legal Certainty: NL17 is well-understood and widely accepted within the Nordic region, providing legal certainty and reducing the risk of litigation.
  5. Consistency: Standardized terms promote consistency across multiple contracts, making it easier for businesses to manage their contractual obligations and rights.

General Cons:

  1. Limited Flexibility: Standardized terms may not be perfectly suited to all situations, potentially limiting the ability of parties to tailor agreements to their specific needs.
  2. Potential for Ambiguity: While NL17 aims to be clear and comprehensive, there may still be areas of ambiguity or interpretation that could lead to disputes.
  3. Regional Limitations: NL17 is primarily designed for use within the Nordic countries, which may limit its applicability and recognition in international transactions.
  4. Standard Terms Might Not Address Specific Needs: Businesses with unique or highly specific requirements might find that NL17 does not adequately address all their needs, necessitating additional clauses or modifications.
  5. Dependence on Local Legal Interpretations: The effectiveness and interpretation of NL17 can depend on the legal context and precedents within the Nordic countries, which may vary slightly between jurisdictions.

Use of NL 17 Outside the Nordic Region

  1. Primary Use:
    • NL 17 is primarily intended for the Nordic market. The terms are designed with Nordic business practices and legislation in mind. Therefore, they are most relevant and common in business transactions between companies in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland.
  2. Limited International Use:
    • Outside the Nordic region, the use of NL 17 is much less common. International agreements often use other standards, such as Incoterms, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in the USA, or specific national laws and standard terms that are more established and accepted in the relevant legal and commercial context.
  3. Adaptation to Local Conditions:
    • When trading with companies outside the Nordic region, parties may agree to use NL 17, but it is important that both parties are aware of the terms’ content and how they can interact with local legislation. Adaptations or additions may also be required to ensure that the terms are valid and enforceable in the specific legal context.
  4. Orgalime General Conditions S 2012
    • Orgalime General Conditions S 2012 are a set of standardized terms developed by Orgalime, the European Engineering Industries Association, to govern the supply of mechanical, electrical, and electronic products. These conditions are widely used across Europe to ensure clarity and fairness in commercial transactions between suppliers and buyers. The S 2012 conditions cover key aspects of contracts such as delivery, payment, warranties, liability, and dispute resolution, providing a comprehensive framework that helps streamline negotiations and reduce the potential for disputes. By adopting Orgalime General Conditions S 2012, businesses can facilitate smoother and more predictable trade relationships, ensuring that both parties’ rights and obligations are clearly defined and protected.

While NL17 is specific to the Nordic countries, there are several other versions and related sets of the Nordic General Conditions (NL) that have been developed over time to address different aspects of commercial transactions. Here are some of the notable ones:

NLM 19, General conditions for the supply and installation of machinery and other mechanical, electrical, and electronic equipment within the Nordic countries.

NLS 19. General conditions for the repair and maintenance of mechanical, electrical, and electronic equipment.

NLT 09. General conditions for long-term contracts for the supply of goods and services within the Nordic countries.

NLO 19. General conditions for consultancy services within the Nordic countries.

Purpose and Scope of Different Terms

NL Terms: These are general terms for the delivery and supply of goods and cover the basic rights and obligations of both suppliers and buyers.

NLM Terms: These terms are more specific to the supply and installation of machinery and equipment. They include provisions related to installation, testing, and commissioning of equipment.

NLS Terms: These terms focus on the repair and maintenance services for equipment, detailing the responsibilities and expectations for both service providers and clients.

NLT Terms: These terms are designed for long-term contracts, providing a framework for ongoing supply and services over an extended period.

NLO Terms: These terms are tailored for consultancy services, outlining the expectations, responsibilities, and deliverables for consultancy engagements.

Usage and Application

These Nordic General Conditions are widely used in the Nordic countries to ensure consistency, fairness, and efficiency in commercial transactions. They help businesses by providing a standardized framework that reduces the need for extensive negotiation and customization of contract terms for each transaction.


NL17 serves as a valuable tool for businesses operating within the Nordic region, offering a standardized and balanced framework for commercial contracts. By providing clarity, reducing negotiation time, and promoting fair business practices, NL17 can significantly enhance the efficiency and predictability of commercial transactions.

However, businesses must weigh the benefits against the potential limitations, such as the need for flexibility and the specific requirements of international trade. Understanding the nuances of NL17 and how it compares to other standard terms globally can help businesses make informed decisions about their contractual arrangements, ensuring that they choose the most appropriate terms for their unique needs.

NL 17 is primarily designed for use in the Nordic countries and is therefore most relevant there. For international business transactions, it is more common to use globally recognized standard terms like Incoterms or other specific national standards. It is always important to carefully review and adapt contract terms to ensure they are appropriate and enforceable in the specific legal context of the countries where business is conducted.

Case Study: Evaluating the Buyer’s Right to Compensation for Expenses under NL17

To determine whether the buyer is entitled to compensation for expenses related to troubleshooting and replacing a defective product under NL17 terms, we need to examine what these general delivery conditions stipulate regarding such costs. NL17 (Nordic General Conditions) are standardized contractual terms commonly used in the Nordic countries to regulate delivery agreements between companies.

NL17 and the Buyer’s Right to Compensation for Expenses

Under NL17 terms, it is important to note the following:

  1. Warranty Period and Claims: According to NL17, the seller is obligated to rectify defects in products that occur within the warranty period. This may involve repairing or replacing the defective product.
  2. Limitation of Seller’s Liability: NL17 often includes provisions that limit the seller’s liability for indirect and consequential damages. Expenses such as the time spent on troubleshooting and replacement may be considered indirect damages.
  3. Direct Costs vs. Indirect Costs: Direct costs, such as the cost to repair or replace the defective product, are usually covered by the seller. Indirect costs, such as expenses for troubleshooting and replacement, often fall outside the seller’s responsibility unless specifically agreed upon in the contract.

Evaluating the Buyer’s Right to Compensation

For the buyer to be entitled to compensation for expenses such as time spent, the following must be examined:

  1. Specific Terms of the Contract: What does the contract specifically state regarding responsibility for expenses and consequential damages? If the contract has modified NL17 or includes specific provisions addressing these types of costs, this could affect the buyer’s right.
  2. Limitations of NL17: Typically, NL17 limits the seller’s liability for indirect damages. If there is no specific agreement that overrides this limitation, it is likely that the buyer cannot claim compensation for these expenses.
  3. Proof of Damage and Costs: The buyer must be able to demonstrate that the expenses are a direct consequence of the seller’s defective product and could not have been avoided. This may involve detailed documentation of the time and costs incurred.

Case Conclusion

Generally, under the standard terms of NL17, the buyer is not entitled to compensation for expenses such as the time spent on troubleshooting and replacing components, as these are usually classified as indirect damages. The seller is obligated to replace or repair the defective product but not to cover the buyer’s labor costs unless this has been specifically agreed upon in the contract.

Recommendation: The buyer should review the specific contract and any amendments to NL17 to see if there are provisions that provide for such compensation. If no such provisions exist, the buyer might consider including specific terms in future contracts that cover expenses in the event of defects to avoid similar issues.

Learn more about International Sales Law and contracts and contract clauses.

Note: Illustration to the blogpost “NL17: The Nordic General Conditions for the Supply of Goods” was created by Chat-GPT on Aug 8, 2024.

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