Executive briefing on Jakamo’s Supplier Collaboration Platform

A Supplier Collaboration Platform is a digital tool that facilitates efficient and effective interaction between a buying organization and its suppliers. This type of platform is designed to streamline procurement processes, enhance communication, and foster long-term partnerships by providing a centralized, accessible space where both buyers and suppliers can share information, manage transactions, and work together on product development, supply chain planning, and operational execution. In this blog case study we will have a look at Supplier Collaboration platform and Jakamo’s capabilities.

What is collaboration platform?

Benefits of using a supplier collaboration platform

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automates and simplifies many procurement and supply chain processes, reducing the time and effort required to manage transactions and communications.
  • Improved Communication: Reduces misunderstandings and delays by providing a clear, consistent, and accessible communication channel.
  • Stronger Relationships: Builds trust and alignment between buyers and suppliers, fostering a partnership approach rather than a transactional relationship.
  • Greater Agility: Enables quicker response to market changes or supply chain disruptions by providing a platform for real-time collaboration and decision-making.

Such platforms are particularly beneficial in industries where supply chains are complex, and collaboration is critical to the timely delivery of products and services. By leveraging modern technology, organizations can enhance their competitive edge through improved supplier relationships and optimized supply chain operations

Introducing Jakamo

Jakamo is a company that specializes in improving supply chain productivity for manufacturing companies through its advanced online supplier collaboration platform. Designed to facilitate seamless and transparent information sharing between manufacturers and their suppliers, Jakamo offers a unique ecosystem approach rather than traditional company-specific portals. This enables efficient, real-time collaborations across the manufacturing industry, enhancing both supplier and customer experiences.

Overview of Jakamo’s Capabilities

Jakamo’s platform is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline and enhance interactions between customers and suppliers within the manufacturing sector. It effectively integrates various key supply chain processes such as purchase orders, requests for quotations (RFQs), forecasts, claims, engineering changes, audits, agreements, shared assets, and master data. This integration facilitates a cohesive and efficient workflow between parties, significantly reducing the complexities typically associated with supply chain management.

As a supply chain collaboration software, provided as Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, Jakamo is particularly dynamic, offering continuous updates and enhancements to its features. These updates are made available to all users immediately, ensuring that every company using the platform can benefit from the latest advancements without additional development costs. This approach not only ensures that the platform stays current with the latest technological advancements but also aligns with evolving business needs without requiring clients to manage or pay for software upgrades.

The user-friendly design of Jakamo’s platform is one of its standout features. It is engineered to be intuitive, making it accessible to users regardless of their technical expertise. This design philosophy extends to the platform’s onboarding process, which is straightforward and designed to get new users up and running quickly. By minimizing the learning curve and simplifying the user interface, Jakamo significantly shortens the time to value, allowing organizations to start seeing the benefits of the platform almost immediately.

These aspects make Jakamo an attractive option for manufacturing companies looking to optimize their supplier relationships and supply chain operations efficiently and cost-effectively. The platform not only improves operational efficiencies but also enhances collaboration and transparency between manufacturers and their suppliers.

Ownership and Financial Information

Jakamo was established on May 16, 2012, by Anssi Uitto. The company, headquartered in the European Union, specifically caters to the manufacturing sector by providing an online collaboration platform that connects customers and suppliers. 

Jakamo is a privately held company. For the most current and detailed financial performance data, direct contact with the company or consultation with financial databases that track private company performances is recommended.

Reference Customers and Testimonials

Jakamo’s platform is utilized by prominent manufacturing companies globally. Notable clients include Fastems, Prima Power, Stera Technologies, and Viessmann, among others. These companies have reported significant improvements in procurement productivity and supplier collaboration, with some noting up to 50% increase in transaction volumes and 25% reduction in time spent on purchasing processes.

Potential Competitors

Jakamo competes with other supplier collaboration platforms that focus on manufacturing and other industrials sectors. Potential competitors include:

  • SAP Ariba: Sap business network offers comprehensive procurement and supply chain solutions.
  • Oracle SCM Cloud: Provides supplier collaboration software for supply network and procurement needs.
  • Coupa: Known for its cloud-based business spend management platform which host supplier collaboration platform capabilities.

Jakamo stands out due to its specific focus on the manufacturing sector and its approach to fostering a shared ecosystem for both suppliers and customers, which differentiates it from more generalized procurement solutions.

Procurement processes supported by Jakamo.

How do you collaborate with suppliers?



Benefits for the Purchasing Function

  • Streamlined Processes: Replaces manual processes with automated ones, reducing time spent on transactions and increasing efficiency.
  • Enhanced Communication: Integrated communication tools reduce reliance on emails and ensure all dialogues are contextually stored and easily accessible, fostering better cooperation.
  • Real-Time Data and Reporting: Offers real-time analytics and instant reporting capabilities, ensuring that management stays well-informed about the supply chain status.
  • Cost Efficiency: Facilitates a more cost-effective connection compared to traditional EDI systems by using standard APIs for easy integration with existing ERP, PLM, and BI systems.

Learn more about Jakamo

Supplier Collaboration Platform represents a transformative approach to supplier relationships, providing a foundation for substantial improvements in procurement and supply chain management within the manufacturing sector. For more detailed information or to arrange a demo contact Patrik Eriksson.   

About Learn How to Source

Learn How to Source (LHTS) is an online platform based in Sweden, offering a range of procurement courses accessible globally. It serves as a community where procurement experts share their knowledge through online courses, designed for various experience levels from introductory to expert. Courses are concise, about 30 minutes each, and cover different aspects of procurement, tailored for different buyer roles. The courses focus on practical knowledge, presented by seasoned professionals, and includes quizzes and certificates. They can be accessed from any device, emphasizing micro learning for flexibility and efficiency.

Note: Illustration to the blogpost “Briefing on Jakamo’s Supplier Collaboration Platform” is created by Chat-GPT on May 1, 2024.

Extra: Example of a Supplier information letter when introducing a Collaboration plattform

Dear Valued Supplier,

We are thrilled to introduce you to our innovative Collaboration Platform, designed to enhance and streamline the way we work together. As a procurement specialist, I understand the critical role suppliers play in the success of our operations. Our platform is built with your needs in mind, offering a seamless, efficient, and mutually beneficial experience. Here’s what you can expect when you register:

1. Enhanced Visibility and Opportunities

Upon registration, your business will gain access to a wide range of procurement opportunities. Our platform connects you with a diverse array of buyers looking for quality products and services. This increased visibility can lead to more business prospects and partnerships.

2. Streamlined Communication

Our platform facilitates clear and efficient communication between suppliers and buyers. You can easily track inquiries, respond to requests for quotes (RFQs), and engage in real-time discussions. This reduces misunderstandings and accelerates decision-making processes.

3. Efficient Documentation and Compliance

Managing and sharing documentation is simplified through our platform. You can upload and store important documents such as certifications, compliance records, and contracts. Our system ensures that all your documentation is up-to-date and easily accessible, helping you meet compliance requirements effortlessly.

4. Performance Analytics and Feedback

Gain insights into your performance with our comprehensive analytics tools. You’ll receive feedback from buyers, allowing you to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach helps you enhance your services and build stronger business relationships.

5. Secure and Transparent Transactions

We prioritize the security and transparency of all transactions on our platform. Our system ensures that every step of the procurement process is documented and traceable, providing peace of mind for both suppliers and buyers. Secure payment gateways and transparent transaction histories foster trust and reliability.

6. Collaborative Project Management

Our platform includes robust project management tools to facilitate collaboration on procurement projects. You can track project milestones, manage timelines, and coordinate with buyers efficiently. This collaborative environment ensures projects are completed on time and to the highest standards.

7. Training and Support

We offer extensive training and support to help you navigate the platform and maximize its benefits. Our dedicated support team is available to assist with any questions or issues you may encounter. Additionally, we provide resources and tutorials to help you make the most of our platform’s features.

8. Exclusive Networking Events

As a registered supplier, you will have access to exclusive networking events and webinars. These events are designed to help you connect with industry peers, learn about the latest trends in procurement, and explore new business opportunities.

How to Get Started

Registering on our collaboration platform is simple. Visit our website and complete the registration form with your company details. Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to set up your profile and start exploring the collaboration platform.

We are confident that our collaboration platform will provide you with valuable opportunities and tools to grow your business and enhance your relationships with buyers. Thank you for considering joining our Supplier Collaboration Platform. We look forward to a successful and collaborative partnership.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
Procurement Specialist
[Your Contact Information]
[Company Name]
[Platform URL]

Extra 2: What are the three types of supply chain collaboration?

Supply chain collaboration can be categorized into three main types: vertical collaboration, horizontal collaboration, and full collaboration. Each type plays a crucial role in optimizing supply chain performance, offering unique benefits and requiring distinct strategies.

Vertical Collaboration involves partnerships between different levels of the supply chain, such as suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers. This form of collaboration focuses on enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain by fostering close relationships between these entities. Key aspects of vertical collaboration include information sharing, joint planning, integrated technologies, and coordinated logistics. By sharing critical information such as demand forecasts and production schedules, partners can synchronize their activities, leading to improved demand forecasting, reduced lead times, and overall cost reductions. The use of integrated supply chain management systems further facilitates real-time data exchange and visibility, enhancing the agility and responsiveness of the entire supply chain.

Horizontal Collaboration, on the other hand, occurs between companies at the same level of the supply chain, such as partnerships between manufacturers or retailers. This collaboration aims to achieve economies of scale, share resources, and improve market competitiveness. Horizontal collaboration is characterized by resource sharing, joint ventures, standardization of processes, and risk sharing. For instance, companies may share transportation, warehousing, and technology resources to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Additionally, forming joint ventures can help companies enter new markets or develop new products, while standardized processes facilitate easier collaboration. By sharing risks associated with market uncertainties, companies can mitigate potential disruptions and maintain stability.

Full Collaboration, also known as end-to-end collaboration, involves the integration and cooperation of all parties within the supply chain, from suppliers to end customers. This holistic approach aims to optimize the entire supply chain by leveraging the strengths and capabilities of all participants. Key features of full collaboration include end-to-end visibility, the use of advanced technologies, a customer-centric focus, and sustainability initiatives. Comprehensive visibility across the supply chain enables better decision-making and coordination, while technologies such as blockchain, IoT, and AI enhance data sharing and process automation. Aligning supply chain activities with customer needs improves satisfaction, and joint efforts in sustainability reduce the environmental impact of supply chain operations.

In summary, vertical, horizontal, and full collaborations each offer distinct advantages and can be strategically applied based on the specific needs and goals of a business. Vertical collaboration improves efficiency and alignment across different supply chain levels, horizontal collaboration leverages partnerships at the same level for cost savings and market expansion, and full collaboration aims for holistic optimization of the entire supply chain. Understanding and implementing these collaboration types can significantly enhance supply chain performance and contribute to the overall success of a business.

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