Establish the capability to run procurement e-Auction

What does it take setting up the capability to run procurement e-Auction? Well, it requires careful planning and alignment with certain key areas. In this blog post, we will focus on three mainstream areas that are critical to the success of e-Auctions.

Category Strategy and Commercial Conditions

Understanding the Category

Description: It is essential to understand the specific category being sourced, including its market dynamics, supply base, and product or service characteristics.

How it Helps: This knowledge allows the procurement team to design a category strategy that aligns the market approach to competition.

Setting Commercial Conditions

Description: Define the commercial terms, such as pricing mechanisms, quality standards, delivery terms, and legal considerations.

How it Helps: Clear commercial conditions ensure that all suppliers understand what’s expected, creating a level playing field.

Risk Management

Description: Identify and assess potential risks associated with the category and the auction process.

How it Helps: Implementing risk mitigation strategies helps in avoiding unforeseen challenges during the e-auction.


Description: One common misconception is that all (or the opposite none) categories are suitable for e-auctions, regardless of complexity or market dynamics.

How it Helps: Understanding that not all categories are fit for e-auctions helps in selecting the right sourcing strategies for different procurement needs, avoiding potential failures or inefficiencies. But also realizing that opposite is equally wrong.

Access to E-Sourcing/E-Auction Tool

Selecting the Right Tool

Description: Choose an e-sourcing/e-auction platform that fits your organization’s needs, considering factors like user-friendliness, security, and reporting capabilities.

How it Helps: The tool will enable the capability to negotiate using e-auction process.

Training and Support

Description: Ensure that the procurement team is trained on the selected platform and that ongoing support is available.

How it Helps: A well-trained team will be able to run the e-auction smoothly and address any issues promptly.

Integration with Existing Systems

Description: The selected tool should seamlessly integrate with existing procurement systems and processes.

How it Helps: This ensures a smooth transition and continuity in procurement operations.


Description: A misconception is that any e-sourcing/e-auction tool will suffice, without considering specific organizational needs and integration capabilities.

How it Helps: Recognizing that the choice of tool requires careful consideration ensures that the selected platform aligns with the organization’s unique requirements, leading to a more effective and seamless e-auction process.

Access to Buyers Having the Capability to Drive Sourcing Events that Include Negotiations with E-Auctions

Skills Development

Description: Buyers need to be trained in e-auction negotiation strategies and techniques.

How it Helps: Specialized negotiation skills enable buyers to leverage the e-auction format to secure the best deals.

Creating Collaboration

Description: Foster collaboration between buyers, category managers, and other stakeholders.

How it Helps: Collaboration ensures alignment across the organization, leading to more effective e-auction strategies.

Continuous Improvement

Description: Encourage ongoing learning and improvement by capturing lessons learned from each e-auction.

How it Helps: This continuous learning culture will lead to increasingly successful e-auctions over time.


Description: A common misconception is that traditional negotiation skills are directly transferable to e-auctions without additional training or adaptation.

How it Helps: Acknowledging that e-auction negotiations require specialized skills and training ensures that buyers are well-prepared to leverage this unique format, resulting in more successful outcomes. Establishing a generic knowledge within the procurement department to create continuous learning is critical. Preferable all buyers in procurement department shall have the capability and understand to run a sourcing event which include a procurement e-Auction.

Importance of Early Success when establishing capability to run procurement e-auctions

It is important to understand the significant impact that establishing capability to run procurement e-auctions can have on a procurement organization. Achieving early success in this endeavor is crucial for several reasons, and here’s why:

Building Confidence and Momentum

  • Stakeholder Buy-In: Early wins help in securing continued support from key stakeholders. Demonstrating tangible benefits early on can justify the investment in e-auction technology and resources.
  • Team Morale: Success breeds confidence. An early win can boost the morale of the procurement team and reinforce the belief in the new system.

Validating the System and Process

  • Proving Concept Viability: Early success acts as a proof of concept, showing that e-auctions can indeed bring about efficiency and better deals.
  • Identifying and Addressing Challenges: Quick wins allow the team to identify and address potential challenges in the system or process, setting the stage for future improvements.

Encouraging Adoption and Change Management

  • Ease of Adoption: Demonstrating early benefits helps in overcoming resistance to change. It encourages wider adoption across the organization.
  • Setting Best Practices: Early successes set the benchmark for best practices in e-auctions, guiding future initiatives.

Summary in how to establish capability to run procurement e-auctions

Establishing the capability to run procurement e-auctions is not just about selecting a tool and launching an auction. It requires alignment with a well-defined category strategy, access to the right e-sourcing/e-auction tool, and skilled buyers capable of driving sourcing events with strategic negotiations. By focusing on these three key areas, procurement managers can position their organizations to harness the full potential of e-auctions, unlocking efficiencies, cost savings, and strategic advantages in today’s competitive marketplace.

The decision to establish capability to run procurement e-auctions is a strategic move in modern procurement. Achieving early success in this area can have a far-reaching impact, setting the tone for future procurement activities and positioning the organization as a leader in innovative procurement practices. It’s essential to approach this implementation with a clear strategy, ensuring that the procurement team, stakeholders, and suppliers are aligned and engaged throughout the process.

Buyers can learn about e-Auctions in Learn How to Source’s bundle: Procurement e-Auction. These courses cover everything from the basics of Procurement e-Auctions to how to effectively execute an e-Auction. 

Online course: Procurement e-Auction

“The course on procurement e-Auctions is designed to provide professionals like you, who are responsible for purchasing goods and services, with a deep understanding the confection between category strategies an online procurement auction as negotiation method, best practices, and considerations when setting up an e-Auction. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, practical case studies, and blog posts, this course will empower you to navigate the intricacies of conducting successful e-auctions and maximize value for your organization.”

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Fundamentals of e-Auctions: Explore the core concepts and principles of e-auctions, including types, processes, and essential terminologies. Grasp the benefits and challenges associated with e-Auctions in procurement.
  • Design Effective e-Auctions: Learn how to develop customized e-Auction execution based on your Category’s specific requirements. Discover various auction formats, bidding rules, and supplier qualification criteria to optimize outcomes.
  • Prepare for E-Auctions: Dive into the critical pre-auction preparation phase, including supplier selection, data collection, specification development, and establishing auction parameters. Gain insights into supplier engagement and communication strategies to ensure a smooth auction experience.
  • Conducting Successful e-Auctions: Master the art of creating robust auction events, including setting up bidding rules, pricing structures, lotting strategies, and auction timelines. Explore techniques to foster healthy competition among suppliers and manage auction dynamics effectively.
  • Supplier Relationship Management: Understand the significance of maintaining strong supplier relationships in the e-Auction process. Learn how to engage suppliers, handle objections, and establish mutually beneficial partnerships for long-term success.
  • E-Auction Software and Tools: Meet Medius and their  online sourcing platform
  • Connect your Category Strategy with e-Auction negotiation format.

The course will dress a procurement professional with the capability to run procurement e-auctions.

Note: Illustration to the blogpost “Establish the capability to run procurement e-Auction” was created by Chat-GPT on Aug 30, 2024.

Medius is an example of an e-sourcing too provider. Learn more about tool providers.

Learn more about e-auction tool providers.

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