Get a free Procurement Certificate from LHTS

Why you should get a free procurement certificate from Learn How to Source.

We provide procurement knowledge tested in real life.

The sole purpose of Learn How to Source is to give learners the knowledge a procurement manager is looking for when managing her/his procurement department.

All Learn How to Source’s courses and blog posts are created by experienced procurement professionals.

Certifying your knowledge in general can bring a host of benefits, both in your personal and professional life, but getting certified by Learn How to Source is certifying real life professional buyer experience. 

Free Procurement Certificate based on self assessment.

In the self assessment you have the opportunity to test your knowledge versus a buyer role. With the help of multiple choice quizzes you will, within 15-20 minutes, understand if you are skilled, and can download a procurement certificate (require 100% correct answers), or if there are room for improvement. Are you up for the challenge?

A self-evaluation versus a procurement role identifies knowledge gaps and a suggested activities on how those gaps can be closed. The benefits of Learn How to Source’s self assessment are:

  • Carried out on your own.
  • Online – anytime (takes about 15-20 minutes).
  • For free.
  • Provides guidance on areas of knowledge to improve, including recommended actions like courses or books.
  • When 100% correct answers, a certificate is issued.

Free Procurement Certificate are available for the Operative Buyer roleThe Tactical Buyer role and Procurement Manager role.

Following processes are verified in the free procurement certificate 

Procurement Management

  • Company strategy to Procurement Strategy:
  • Key Stakeholder Management.
  • Category Management.
  • Competence Development.
  • Scorecard KPI.
  • Methods and Tools.

Tactical processes

  • Market analyses. 
  • Sourcing process.
  • Supplier Development / Key Supplier Management.
  • Know your supplier
  • Supplier Audit
  • Product qualification. 

Operative processes

  • Forecasting.
  • Ordering.
  • Order acknowledgement.
  • Order Management.
  • Delivery monitoring.
  • Delivery Quality.
  • Invoice management.
  • Supplier Measurement.

Here are some general reasons why you should consider certifying your knowledge

  • Validate your expertise: Certifying your knowledge via tests can provide a tangible way to validate your expertise in a particular subject or field. It demonstrates that you have acquired a specific set of skills or knowledge, which can be useful in your job or career.
  • Improve your job prospects: Many employers value certification as a way to identify and hire qualified candidates. Certifying your knowledge can improve your job prospects, increase your salary potential, and open up new opportunities for career advancement.
  • Stay up-to-date: Certification tests often require continuing education or ongoing professional development, which can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in your field. This can help you become more effective in your job and make you a more valuable asset to your organization.
  • Increase your confidence: Certifying your knowledge via tests can also increase your confidence in your abilities. By passing a certification test, you can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in your knowledge and skills, which can boost your self-esteem and motivation.
  • Gain recognition: Certifying your knowledge can also provide recognition from peers and colleagues. It can demonstrate that you are committed to your profession and that you have taken the time and effort to acquire specialized knowledge and skills.

In general, certifying your knowledge can have many benefits, including validating your expertise, improving your job prospects, staying up-to-date, increasing your confidence, and gaining recognition. A free procurement certificate from Learn How to Source tells that you got knowledge based on real life experience.

LHTS 10 week Basic Procurement training – individual

The program LHTS 10 week Basic Procurement training – provides required knowledge and verify that the Student have acquired the knowledge required for having a basic understanding of a Procurement function’s responsibilities. Student’s knowledge is verified via a written and a verbal test. (Information in Swedish at Utbildning Inköp).

Program information

If you’re looking to advance your procurement career and gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed, the LHTS 10 week Basic Procurement Certificate is the perfect choice. This comprehensive program is designed to give you a solid foundation in the fundamentals of procurement, including operative-, tactical, and management processes.

The LHTS 10 week procurement basic Procurement Certificate is a fully online program that can be completed at your own pace. With a combination of online courses, written exams, and verbal exams, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the procurement process and develop the skills you need to succeed in this dynamic and challenging field.

What sets the LHTS 10 week procurement basic Procurement Certificate apart from other procurement programs is its focus on real-world skills and practical knowledge. You’ll learn from experienced procurement professionals who have worked in a variety of industries, giving you a broad perspective on procurement best practices and strategies.

So why wait? If you’re ready to take your procurement career to the next level, the LHTS 10 week procurement basic Procurement Certificate is the perfect choice. Sign up today and start your journey towards procurement success!

Key Features:

  • Course schedule is developed by participant and LHTS.
  • The program is on a basic level. Basic level is for those who are new to the Procurement area or have been working within a single role within procurement and want to understand the different roles, and its processes, in more depth. You learn the language of Procurement.
  • The program is based on LHTS online courses combined with experienced senior program management which run regular sessions to congest the knowledge presented and discuss how to convert theory into practice.
  • The program is part-time (approx 10-20% of FTE), distance- and web based. Online courses are available anytime and meetings with program management are e-meetings. You can, during the program, contact your mentor for advice via chat, mail or e-meeting.
  • Each online course has a quiz and a course completion certificate. At the end of the program each participant’s knowledge is verified via a written and a verbal test. All activities need to be completed to receive the program certificate.

In short, after completing the program you have an experienced procurement executive telling the world; you have the skills to become a professional buyer.

About Learn How to Source

Learn How to Source (LHTS) is an online platform based in Sweden, offering a range of procurement courses accessible globally. It serves as a community where procurement experts share their knowledge through online courses, designed for various experience levels from introductory to expert. Courses are concise, about 30 minutes each, and cover different aspects of procurement, tailored for different buyer roles. The courses focus on practical knowledge, presented by seasoned professionals, and includes quizzes and certificates. They can be accessed from any device, emphasizing microlearning for flexibility and efficiency.

Note: Illustration of “Free Procurement Certificate” is created by CHAT-GPT on February 7, 2024.

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